Saturday, September 17, 2011

mike's fast

So it's saturday and day seven since he started the whole process. Its day 3 of nothing but the fresh juices and water. It was about 4pm today when he came outside where I was sitting and said "I'm ready to eat again, what are you goint to make for dinner?" Haha! I told him he should finish off this day just to say he did the minimum of 3 days of juice but nearly as quick as I could say it he was out the door to go get pizza from Dominoes. He said he plans to keep doing the juices during the day but he will "eat" a meal at dinner time. So I told him to weigh himself before he started eatting again and he weighed 201 (210 was his start weight a week ago). Pretty close to 10 pounds. Just think if he had gone 7 days of only juicing! He did good, I'm proud of him. We watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" the other day together and it makes me want to do a juice fast. Maybe next week after he leaves on TDY I will do it...we will see :)


  1. Hey you! Good for Mike. Thought I'd stop by and say hi. I think of you often.

  2. Laura, Laura Paxton here...please send me an email where I can send you a copy of the Faith Deployed...Again book. My email is Look forward to hearing from you!!
